
  • Some takes on the UK election results

    By admin

    …from my perch in Canada UKIP vote collapsed Conservative share of vote climbed 5.5% BUT…Labour vote climbed almost 9.6% UKIP toehold with the working class slipped; Labour benefited as they came home May can govern for 5 years given that because Sinn Fein never takes their seats, she only needs…

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  • Proportional Representation: reduced to the absurd

    By admin

    Here in Canada the federal government has been toying with the idea of introducing proportional representation (PR) to our electoral process. I know the typical argument against it.  That PR often leads to hung parliaments, incessant horse-trading to get any legislation passed and, especially where thresholds are low, it can…

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  • Yes, Let’s Open Up the Federal Debates … To Everyone

    By Richard Landau

    Let’s take a look at the implications of the Conservative Party’s recent decision to bypass the “consortium approach” to televised election debates during this fall’s federal election campaign. The consortium, which has run the debates, is a joint venture of CBC, Radio Canada, CTV and Global/Shaw. The consortium, in consultation…

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  • The Conservative “Balancing Act”

    By Richard Landau

    There was a time when the vast plurality of new Canadians voted for the Liberal Party of Canada. With the exception of some of those who had escaped the tyranny of the Warsaw Pact, immigrant communities, once established, voted Liberal. Some of the thinking was: “I came into this country thanks…

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  • Enhancing our Multicultural Heritage

    By Richard Landau

    Legal prostitution. Assisted suicide. Decriminalized pot. Gay marriage. Our society is undergoing a breathtaking transformation, hurried along by the influence of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the court that interprets it, and the massive new town square called “social media.” A lot of Canadians – among them many…

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  • Head Coverings and Courts: No Simple Solution

    By Richard Landau

    So a woman is told she can’t testify in a Quebec court while wearing a hijab. The Prime Minister speaks out against women wanting to take the oath of Canadian citizenship while wearing a niqab, which makes only a person’s eyes visible.  Let’s weigh what facts we know. If the Quebec…

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  • Stop Blaming the Media!

    By Richard Landau

    I hear it everywhere: “The media lie about us.”  “The media don’t tell our story.”  “We are invisible to the media.”  I attend conferences and hear speakers blame the media for racism, hatred, and demonizing certain identifiable groups. I hear nominally intelligent people repeat the falsehood that the media are owned, dominated…

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  • Why Some New Canadian Communities are More Prominent in Politics

    By Richard Landau

    Why is it that some new Canadian communities appear to achieve prominence, stature and wealth in the fabric of the national community – more readily than others? Research indicates that how well immigrant communities grow and emerge is dependent upon a variety of factors, including: higher education levels, a willingness…

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